Monday, November 11, 2013

Eleven Reasonable Questions to ask any cell phone

.Do we really need cell phones?
Cell phones are essential to our lives now. We need cell phones communicate with people that aren’t in the room with us personally.  However, we also need cell phones to communicate with people are far away in fast manner.
2.Does it minimize waste?
Cell phones do both minimize and maximizes waste. How cell phones minimizes waste is by creating less paper because letters don’t have to be sent. Cell phones maximizes waste because new cell phones are being made now every 6 months or less. Cell phones are design not last and because of that it creates waste.
3. Can it be smaller, lighter, use less materials?
The cell can be lighter I am sure of that. They tried making cell phones smaller , however that did not work. Making the cell phone lighter is best route to go as of right now. The new IPhone 5 is lighter than its previous versions. The only thing is can the materials of the phone use less materials and that’s a route we still have to explore.
4.Is it durable, Multifunctional?
The cell phones are multifunctional but only some are durable. The multifunctional use of a cell phone is that the cell phone is actually little computer.  90 percent of the things you can do on the computer you can do it on the cell phone.  The Durability aspect of the cell phone is based on what type of phone you have.
5.Does it use renewable resources?
The cell phone now doesn’t really use renewable resources. Most of the resources that are used are raw materials.
6. Is reuse practical and  encourage?
Reuse of the cell phone is not practical . Cell phones aren’t designed to last so encouragement of reuse is not encourage by companies.
7. Is product packaging refillable, recyclable, repairable?
The cell phones packaging can be used for many different things. I use one of my cell phone boxes as a sunglasses holder. The cell phones are repairable. Cell phones can be fixed by going into getting it serviced.
8. Does it use post-consumer recycled materials?How much ?
The cell phone doesn’t use post- consumer  recycled materials .
9.Are less toxic materials available?
Yes , there are less toxic materials available for use. However, we have to find a way to make the materials more efficient and less costly.
10. Is this from an environmentally responsible company?
No its not from an environmentally responsible  company.
11. Is it/can it be made locally?
The cell phone isn’t made locally but it can be.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Handmade Mens Shoes - How Its Made